What makes a good picture?

Wednesday 23 September 2009

Namibia 2009

Dead Vlei (the Dead Valley) in Sossusvlei in the Namib desert (hence the name Namibia) would make any photographer shake by its splendid light ; a feast for the eyes and for the lens!

Namibia 2009

A prize winner! The common roller, a European migrating bird helped me won the trophy at the club. 1st place for a bird with truly amazing colours.

Namibia 2009

A very rich flora and fauna led me to having my camera out at all times. My new lens Canon 70-200 L f.4 gave me great results. You can judge for yourself.

Namibia 2009

Yes I know, it has already been a month I have been back from Namibia but I had obviously many photos to sort out. So here we go a small selection of my favourite ones.

Friday 11 September 2009

Dull day?

When the weather does not lend itself to outdoor photography, I try to find subjects for my photos indoors. Even the most unusual objects can give you interesting results.